Life Insurance and Annuities Serving The Areas of Queens, New York Financial Stability when it Matters Most

Life Insurance - sleep at night knowing you're protectedMeeting their needs even after you’re gone

When a family suffers the loss of a loved one it’s always a painful time. When that loved one was responsible for the family’s financial stability the results are even more devastating. If the unexpected happens and you’re no longer there to provide for your family’s financial needs, what happens?

The last thing a family needs during a time of loss is usually the first thing they have to deal with: financial issues. From final expenses to mortgage payments, braces to college education and so much more, the bills keep coming.

Preparing for the unexpected

Families who have lost a loved one and received a life insurance payout often describe it as ‘the most important gift we ever received’. Life insurance can give surviving family members a chance to heal without worrying about financial issues. It can provide not only for immediate needs but can also ensure that the vision you had for your family’s future is financially viable, even without your income.

Hughes Associates, Inc. Insurance Agency can show you how to make sure your dreams for your family’s future become reality, even if you can’t be there.

For short-term needs and long-term planning

Hughes Associates, Inc. has the right life insurance option for you

Life insurance has become so much more than a way to cover final expenses. Today, you’ll find life insurance in a variety of real-world applications.

  • Term life insurance policies are often secured to cover installment loan debt, thus providing focused protection for a specific time period.
  • Permanent and/or Universal Life Insurance policies actually build a cash value with a guaranteed minimum return. In later years, the insured can actually borrow against the cash value of the policy.
  • Return of Premium Term Life performs exactly as its name implies, returning premiums at the end of the policy term.

Term life offers a very affordable way to carry life insurance protection for a specific period of time.

The professionals at Hughes Associates, Inc. Insurance Agency can help you choose the right policy for your needs.

Life Insurance can pay for that college education if you're not thereWe can meet your needs for:

  • Permanent Life
  • Universal Life
  • Whole Life
  • Term Life
  • Return of Premium Term Life (with this product all the premiums are returned to you at the end of the policy term)
  • Fixed Annuities
  • and more

We do the shopping so you don’t have to

Let us shop our vast network for your best rate

You’ve seen the ads for life insurance on the internet and TV and heard them on the radio. There is a seemingly unlimited supply of life insurance companies offering a multitude of products. How do you choose? What is a good premium?

These are questions Hughes Associates, Inc. Insurance Agency answer every day. As an independent insurance agency, we have the ability to shop among multiple life insurance providers; comparing rates and helping our clients obtain coverage that matches their individual needs. We compare rates among many companies so you get a policy at a price you can live with.

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